Discover Microsoft funding programs that may be available to your company through Interlink.
Microsoft has numerous funding options available to select partners like Interlink to incentivize their customers to evaluate the most up-to-date Microsoft technologies and solutions. As a leading System Integrator for Microsoft's cloud solutions, Interlink is eager to help their clients utilize this funding by offering assessments, proof-of-concepts, and deployment/support services for adopting Microsoft's latest and greatest cloud-based technologies.
Learn how your company can take advantage of Microsoft funding to kick start your next IT project. Contact us and we'll walk you through current options. Many customers have funding they don't know about, so we can see if you have anything available.
New COPILOT Funded Engagements
- Copilot Vision and Value- identify top use cases, technical readiness and build roadmap
- Copilot Guided Adoption - adoption and change management sessions
- Copilot End User Skilling - help end users with prompting, use cases, etc
- Copilot Proof of Value - scenario validation, Copilot Champions, IT enablement
- Copilot Deployment & Adoption Accelerator - continued deployment best practices and enablement for 1000+ seats
Hurry... Microsoft funding programs can be used up quickly!
Contact Us to Learn More About the Different Microsoft Funding Opportunities Currently Available
Funding is based on availability and is not guaranteed.
Please use the form to the right to inquire about funding opportunities for your organization.
Are you eligible for Microsoft funding?
Fill out your contact details below to find out now.
Funding Form
Funding is based on availability and is not guaranteed.